Take a moment to think about a past sport or performance related-activity you were involved in and just how good it felt to be performing at your very best. Now create an image in your head of what it was like to compete, think about how much time you put into your performance and how it made you feel.  Now, once you have been able to recall this experience, think about the amount of time you committed to practicing the physical skills. When I ask athletes how much time, they typically say around 80 – 90% of their time is on physical and technical aspects.  Now consider this… 

“When you were competing, if you were to make a mistake, would it be due to the lack of physical skill, or did you lose focus during your performance?”

When I ask this question most athletes will attribute their mistakes to mental errors and not to physical ones. So the question then becomes, why do we commit so heavily to training physically when most of the mistakes can be fixed by training mentally? Imagine now a holistic training program in which mental skills are combined with physical practice and the athlete adds to their “tool box” of skills helping to contribute to their confidence, their mental toughness,  their focus, their ability to manage emotions and developing their communication skills.  This is where Donna Perry Consulting can help.




Exceptional sports individuals and teams are constantly looking at how they can improve every aspect of their performance.


Ecotherapy programs aim to improve your mental and physical well-being through engaging in activities within nature

Customized individual sessions and stay tuned for organized group hikes

We will provide a tailored physical activity, fitness and lifestyle plan to help the client address any particular weakness identified and/or interests expressed including individualized exercise prescriptions using various modes of exercise and exercise equipment.

We design and lead exercise sessions with a client or groups of clients using various pieces of fitness/exercise equipment.

We monitor and document a client’s physical activity/exercise program leading to safe and effective program planning and progression.

Fitness and Lifestyle Appraisal

An important part of any successful fitness plan is to start with a benchmark of your current fitness level. Whether you have been training for a marathon or are starting to workout for the first time in 20 years, the information gathered through a fitness appraisal helps identify your strengths and weaknesses and helps us design the correct workout for you, to make sure you achieve those goals efficiently and injury free.

These are some of the testing protocols as part of your initial consultation:

  • Blood pressure, Heart Rate
  • Body Composition (percent body-fat, BMI, Waist Girth
  • Aerobic Endurance (Max or Sub-max
  • Muscular-Skeletal (endurance, power
  • Flexibility
  • Back Health
  • Balance

Fitness Appraisal programs are provided by a certified member of Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP-CPT).


  • Psychology of coaching and athletic performance workshops
  • Specialized clinics for sport-specific training (ex; golf, lessons, mentorship, coaching)
  • Youth sport coaching workshops
  • Exercise psychology workshops including performance enhancement strategies for injury rehabilitation
  • Individual consultations including performance profiling
  • Mental Skills Training including goal setting, visualization, confidence building, focusing, self-talk, relaxation skills, and more…
  • Leadership and team building workshops
  • The use of technology in sport workshop


  • Mind GYM has ARRIVED!
  • is an interactive mental training program  designed for the “athletic minded’ to learn, practice, improve and empower
  • using Neurofeedback technology focuses on helping athletes develop coping mechanisms & embracing the sport and life journey



Coaching education workshops (CET) focus on providing feedback for influencing effective coaching behaviours and implementing in season training and feedback

Using (CET) model and putting theory to practice with mental performance specialist on-site for observation, evaluation and feedback.


Donna Perry consulting offers biofeedback training. Biofeedback is a learning process in which people are taught to improve their health and performance by observing signals generated by their own bodies. It is scientifically based and validated by studies and clinical practice. Studies have shown that we have more control over supposedly involuntary bodily functions than we ever thought possible. Researchers have proved that many individuals can alter their involuntary responses by being “fed back” information either visually or audibly about what is going on in their bodies. As a result, biofeedback can train individuals with techniques for living a healthier life overall – whether one has a medical condition or not.

The following biofeedback training programs are offered:

  • Mind over muscle (sport specific training techniques)
  • stress control
  • breathing for health
  • taking tests with confidence and public (media) speaking using biofeedback